On the edge of Autoroute 25 (former JC Perreault store), the SADC Achigan Montcalm in partnership with the Montcalm MRC Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and with the collaboration of theteam of the Montcalm RCM prepare a new place and ecosystem for commerce and innovation.
"FabLab is a term coined by MIT physicist and computer scientist Neil Gershenfeld in the late 1990s. It is a contraction of "Fabrication" and "Laboratory and designating a collaborative manufacturing workshop offering a variety of specialized resources (equipmentsoftware, people...) to develop and build prototypes. The FabLab is a place of mutual support and learning, where everyone can experiment and turn their projects into reality.
The idea germinated within the SADC Achigan Montcalm team and was proposed to the promoters of the HQ Workshops ("Le QG") and the MRC development team were quick to join in.
The SADC then commissioned a specialized consulting firm to define the concept, validate the need and make the final decision. business plan.
A totally confusing concept: "le QG" and its Lanaudière FabLab
The HQ will occupy the former store and headquarters social of the very large Quebec chain J C Perreault, which has relocated to a majestic new building (still in Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan).
This building represents more than 70,000 square feet of retail and office space. converted in a first time.
Le QG, an innovative venue that can :
- CHANGE business and work paradigms
- REINVENT the business
- DESIGN and MAKE discoveries of the century
- PRODUCE joie de vivre
- and finally, the ultimate paradox, AFFRANCHIR of the time imposed so as never to run out.
One place for many living spaces
Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan's HQ is all about a place and ecosystem for commerce and innovation. It will be an innovation turbine that allows you to experience the cycle of innovation. from designer to consumer.
- Visit CAFÉ food court
- Visit GYM escape space
- Visit EVENTS space dedicated to events
- Visit OFFICES modular and technological space
- Visit WORKSHOPS space for creation, energy and growth (including the project FABLAB)

A fertile ecosystem conducive to exchanges, for the benefit of entrepreneurs and visitors alike.
The Ateliers du QG and its FabLab will be perfectly integrated into the Lanaudière innovation ecosystem. They will facilitate access to the services and expertise of various regional partners:
- Large regional manufacturers
- Maison de l'entrepreneur
- SADC Achigan-Montcalm
- And many more
The SADC team is currently weaving affiliation links with various coworking spaces and structures similar to HQ in Quebec and internationally, to bring the benefits of infrastructure and an international community to our Lanaudière businesses.
Definition of the Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan FabLab
Space for creation and energy
A FabLab is a an open space where all kinds of tools and machines are availableto design and produce objects. It is essentially a space for prototyping and experimentation for manufacturing companies.
It's also a community of expertise espousing the values of sharing and collaborative creation.
The Lanaudière FABLAB in Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan
This is an industrial FabLab with a host of specialized equipment. It will host innovative Lanaudière manufacturing companies in a single location, where their ideas can be molded, centrifuged, dissected and prototyped.
Ces prototypes pourront, si désiré, être testés et validés en synergie avec un réseau d’experts (créatifs, designers, développeurs, techniciens et centres de transfer technology).
Several local R&D companies are interested in becoming FabLab partners.

Who's it for?
- Existing manufacturing companies wishing to share and/or access specialized equipment and resources from the FABLAB ecosystem.
- Entrepreneurs and aspiring manufacturers and craftspeople who want to experiment, learn and bring their project or product to fruition in the ideal ecosystem.
What does it offer?
Workstations (workbench) with various electronic and mechanical instruments - Test ramp - Continuous test equipment (e.g. treadmill) - Storage shelves and/or furniture - Workstation for writing test reports - etc.
Tools safety, marking, measuring, heating, drilling, sanding, assembly, cutting, modeling, electrical, electronic, etc.
Industrial equipment already owned and shared by several manufacturers.
3D printers (filament and others) - Machine
Become a user company and even a partner!
Contact us now to find out about upcoming project deadlines. Chambre de commerce et d'industrie de la MRC de Montcalm 450.839.9218 ext. 701 - Don't hesitate to contact us.