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You want to... Export products or services
Selling in another province or country requires you to consider a number of standards and other details.
It's important to be well informed and to adapt your business plan accordingly. There are organizations specialized in this field to advise and support you. An export plan is highly recommended, and should answer at least the following questions:
- What are your objectives and your reasons for going into export markets?
- What are your internal capabilities (production or service delivery)?
- What is your target foreign market and why?
- What resources are needed?
- What is your strategy input?
- What are your penetration and sales targets? figures in the short, medium and long term?
Export assistance and financing programs are also available to facilitate export sales and the production of products sold on export markets.
En plus de vous aider à répondre à ces questions, nos experts de la SADC peuvent vous guide in identifying export support organizations and appropriate programs and financing. In addition, an analysis of your long-term needs and the determination of an appropriate financial strategy for your company can be developed.
See the list of financial products on the right. They're sure to meet your financing needs. Don't hesitate to apply for financing from SADC. We'll help you think through and implement your project. project.
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