successful man

The Growth Mindset, how to develop your potential

Your state of mind is your most powerful weapon. Que ce soit pour réussir professionnellement, launch votre propre entreprise ou éduquer vos enfants, avoir le bon état d’esprit fait souvent la différence entre le succès et l’échec. Carol Dweck, professeure à l’Université de Stanford, a popularisé le concept de Growth Mindset in his book Mindset.

Understanding the Growth Mindset

In his book, Dweck describes the main traits of people with a Growth Mindset. These individuals believe that their success depends on effort and perseverance, and that their skills can be developed. This mindset is particularly prevalent among entrepreneurs.

Growth Mindset Research

For over 30 years, Carol Dweck and her colleagues have studied attitudes to failure. They discovered that some people bounce back easily, while others are devastated by setbacks. This research led to the development of the Growth Mindset and Fixed Mindset concepts.

A Growth Mindset means believing that intelligence and skills can be improved through effort. Neuroscience supports this idea, showing that the brain is malleable and that our experiences can increase neuronal growth.

Growth versus Fixed Mindset

The Fixed Mindset, on the other hand, assumes that character traits, intelligence and creativity are fixed and unchangeable. In Fixed Mindset work environments, success is seen as a confirmation of fixed intelligence, and failure is avoided at all costs. Individuals with a Growth Mindset see failure as an opportunity to learn and develop.

Growth Mindset for Entrepreneurs

Successful entrepreneurs often share qualities such as a keen sense of leadership strong, a thirst for continuous learning and a capacity for innovation. Encouraging these qualities in their teams is crucial to the organization's growth.

Entrepreneurs need to adopt a culture of learning and innovation to enable their business to grow. A fixed mindset prevents this, limiting the formation and emergence of new leaders.

Developing a Growth Mindset at Work

To cultivate a Growth Mindset, here are a few best practices:

  • Replace failure with "not yet". Transforming failures into opportunities for growth helps maintain a development perspective.
  • Define objectives learning : Rather than performance goals, set learning goals to stay motivated over the long term.
  • Constantly challenging yourself Adopt specific, stimulating objectives to encourage progress.
  • Seek constructive criticism : Use constructive criticism rather than praise to encourage learning.
  • Regularly review long-term objectives Link your work to a broader objective and regularly re-evaluate your goals.


Adopting a Growth Mindset is essential for success in an ever-changing world. It enables entrepreneurs and their teams to adapt, stay competitive and thrive in the face of future challenges.

SADC Achigan-Montcalm: Who are we?

To help you manage your business efficiently and exploit its full potential, the SADC offers you : 


How to find us
As a regional player, we serve companies belonging to one of the following communities from 10 municipalities of the Montcalm MRC as well as municipalities belonging to the L'Assomption RCM (municipalities of L'Assomption, L'Épiphanie and Saint-Sulpice). We also operate for municipalities in the Rivière du Nord RCMnamely Sainte-Sophie and Saint-Hippolyte.
In other words, we serve the municipalities of Saint-Hippolyte, Saint-Calixte, Sainte Sophie, Saint-Lin-Laurentides, Saint-Julienne, Saint-Esprit, Saint-Roch-Ouest, Saint-Roch-de-l'Achigan, Saint-Liguori and Saint-Alexis, Saint-JacquesSainte Marie-Salomé, L'Epiphanie, L'Assomption and Saint-Sulpice. En revanche les municipalités de Repentigny et de Charlemagne ne peuvent être les bénéficiaires des aides financières que nous octroyons. Quelque que soit votre demande concernant la transmission our offices are located at 104, rue St-Jacques in Saint-Jacques.

We believed in their project and they put their trust in us.

Since our creation in 1992, we have supported a large number of entrepreneurs in their business transfer, start-up or growth objectives. These include :
Solnor EnvironnementSolnor Environnement is an expert consultant for contaminated land and geology. Solnor Environnement's core business is the management of projects with a geological component, the analysis and study of soil and water, their decontamination and the environmental analysis of sites.
Brasserie L'Apothicaire of St-Jacques de Montcalm, whose mission is to support an ecosystem of regional microbreweries, and to help and contribute to the emergence and development of local players offering products of excellence.
The integration company Job Access Buffet whose core mission is to provide a gateway to the job market in the catering sector.
While these players belong to a wide variety of economic sectors, the fact remains that our approach, which focuses on the local level and on serious, well-thought-out support tailored to their objectives, has contributed to these successes. success stories. Behind each of these entrepreneurs was a ambitious project, and we are proud to present their success..

SADC can help you develop your business. Call on our team to bring your entrepreneurial projects to fruition.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

We support retailers
and business leaders in the region since
now 30 years old.

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