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Mission and background
The Achigan-Montcalm SADC is a non-profit, locally-administered, fully autonomous organization funded by Canada Economic Development.
Its mission is to stimulate community empowerment and participation in its socio-economic development through concerted action and partnership.
Its main mandates are to provide financial assistance and advisory services to businesses, and to support community development projects.
Established in August 1992 by the Government of Canada at the request of local rural municipalities, organizations and business people, the Société d'aide au développement de la collectivité Achigan-Montcalm is a legally constituted socio-economic development organization whose mandate is to stimulate community participation in taking charge of its economic, agricultural, environmental and social future.
The SADC Achigan-Montcalm has been working for over 20 years to develop its region. At the heart of the SADC's concerns are local development, employment, diversification of the regional economy and the support and creation of new businesses.
SADC is widely recognized locally, regionally and throughout the province of Quebec. Provincially, SADC is the strength of a network. As part of the Réseau des SADC du Québec, the SADC joins 66 other SADCs and Business Development Centres (urban counterparts of the SADCs), present in every region of Quebec and committed to the development of each of their communities. A network of 400 professionals active on more than 600 working committees across Quebec, and managing assets of 170 M$ for local investment, contributes greatly to the solid reputation of all these organizations and of the Achigan-Montcalm SADC.
Locally and regionally, SADC is well established in its community. SADC is managed by a 7-member Board of Directors.