You want to... Finance a Startup

A Startup is a company that is in the process of developing a new product, testing and validating a market and/or starting to market new products.

It's a fast-growing company with few or no sales. Start a company like a Startup is a thrilling thing. It's no small feat, and it requires a great deal of determination time and capital.  

Tout comme pour un démarrage d’entreprises standard, il y a des recettes gagnantes que les entrepreneurs avertis utilisent constamment et en voici une.  Portez une attention de tous les instants à vos cash and prefer to start by renting rather than buyingequipment ou d’un édifice. Évitez donc les gros achats et réservez le plus d’argent possible à votre working capital et au développement de votre produit.  

Make maximum use of the various organizations available to you (incubators, gas pedals, college centers for transfer technology CCTT, etc.). Their mandate is to support you and enable you to devote the maximum of your capital and time to the development of your product.

We therefore strongly encourage you to take a training course and get support in the process menant au start de votre entreprise.  De plus, suivez l’exemple d’entrepreneurs d’experience and surround yourself with professionals you can turn to for advice.  

See the list of financial products on the right. They will meet your specific financing needs as a start-up. Don't hesitate to apply for financing at SADC without delay. We'll be happy to help you think through and implement your project. project.

Apply for SADC financing online

We've been supporting the region's retailers and entrepreneurs for 30 years.

Entrepreneurs in the Achigan-Montcalm region, find out more about our growth coaching and financing services.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

For information on CFDC or BDC services, financing or technical assistance, please contact your local CFDC or BDC. 

North American Directory of Programs and Grants

More than 6,000 programs and services are listed in this tool, and the SADC is there to help you in your search.