Home " You want to... Improve your company's environmental performance
You want to... Improve your company's environmental performance
Your company leaves an environmental footprint, and you know you can reduce it!
Your company performs poorly or not at all in one or more of the following areas:
- Could consume less electrical or fossil energy
- Could generate less waste
- Could find a buyer for the scrap produced so that it can become an input for another company
- Could generate fewer atmospheric emissions
- Could rethink its packaging
- Could rethink product design to facilitate end-of-life recycling (eco-design)
- Etc.
Good news!
The various levels of government are doing their utmost to support your efforts through assistance programs. What's more, a multitude of organizations are in place with qualified personnel to help you.
Visit SADC is no exception, and has funds at its disposal to hire experts to support you if it can't find the right solution in the network specialized organizations.
Whatever your project, the SADC team can help you analyze the situation and determine what you need. strategy to meet your expertise and financing needs. In addition, an analysis of your long-term needs and the determination of an appropriate financial strategy for your company could be developed at the same time.
See the list of SADC's various financial products and services on the right-hand side of this page. They have been developed to meet your specific needs. Don't hesitate to apply to SADC for financing without delay. We'll help you think through your project and make it a reality.
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