Subordinated debt / excess liquidity loan

What type of product is it?

Subordinated debt is a loan secured by assets halfway between a loan and a subordinated loan. working capital and the share capital where the lender's only expectation of repayment is the company's ability to generate enough profits to repay the loan, and only after higher-priority debts have been settled. This financing product is aimed at companies with growth or expansion plans. buyback projects for which few guarantees are available.

What are the special features of this financial product?

  • The lender bases its analysis and decision risk essentially on historical repayment capacity combined with potential future cash flows.
  • Repayment is flexible and adapts to the company's ability to pay
  • If the borrower is unable to repay, the financing can be converted into shares after a certain period of default.
  • All debts must be settled by selling the company's assets.

What are the advantages of this financial product?

  • Repayment conditions are linked to the company's performance. For example, when producing year-end financial statements, if there are still funds available after other debts have been settled, some or all of the additional funds (above a certain threshold) may be demanded as repayment of the debt.
  • The borrower has no obligation to repay subordinated debt financing if the company fails to cover its debts.

In addition to helping you answer your questions, our experts at SADC can help you truly analyze your situation. What's more, an analysis of your long-term needs and the determination of an appropriate strategy The right financial solutions for your company could be developed at the same time.

See the list of different needs on the right. This financial product specifically meets the following needs:

Don't hesitate to apply to SADC for financing. We'll help you think through and implement your project. project.

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