Proximity capital / love money

What is this type of financing?

Proximity capital is a financial alternative to traditional financing offered by financial institutions. Essentially, it consists of a donation or loan (with or without interest) made to the individual or company by someone close to them (friends, family, etc.). This type of financing is aimed at entrepreneurs who have difficulty accumulating the sums required for a downpayment.

What are the special features of this financing?

  • Since it's a down payment, it can be extended/subrogated, which means it can't be repaid at any time.
  • This financial involvement is formal: relatives can become lenders to the company.
  • Generally speaking, the purpose of this investment is considered to be more emotional than lucrative. In this way, family members invest to help the buyer launch business or to buy an existing business, not to make money.
  • Money is a delicate subject to discuss with a loved one, so it's best to seek professional advice to validate the different options.

What are the advantages of this financing?

  • Most of the time, those around you will time trust in you, and won't simply be looking for a return on their investment.
  • Terms, warranties and conditions are determined by proximity and/or the requirements of traditional lenders, which sometimes allows for greater latitude and flexibility.
  • Decision-making for this type of financing will be faster than for any other investor.

In addition to helping you answer your questions, our experts at SADC can help you really analyze your situation. What's more, an analysis of your long-term needs and the determination of an appropriate strategy The right financial solutions for your company could be developed at the same time.

See the list of different needs on the right. This financial product specifically meets the following needs:


Don't hesitate to apply to SADC for financing. We'll help you think through and implement your project. project.

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