
Become a member

Registration form to become a SADC member

Would you like to become a member of SADC. To do so, you must complete the form and comply with the following conditions:

  • You must be at least 18 years old;
  • You are a permanent resident of the SADC's territory of intervention, or you are employed by any legal or natural person with a recognized place of business in the SADC's territory of intervention.

Fill out the registration form below and you'll be able to participate in SADC activities, attend thegeneral meeting and vote, and receive the newsletter.

Apply for SADC financing online

We've been supporting the region's retailers and entrepreneurs for 30 years.

Entrepreneurs in the Achigan-Montcalm region, find out more about our growth coaching and financing services.

Please do not hesitate to contact us for further information.

For information on CFDC or BDC services, financing or technical assistance, please contact your local CFDC or BDC. 

North American Directory of Programs and Grants

More than 6,000 programs and services are listed in this tool, and the SADC is there to help you in your search.